
Our successes in the past have been achieved largely through what we call Long Term Value Agreements. Value Agreements are a relationship between buyer and seller describing what both wish to achieve in the trading relationship. Within the concept of Value Agreements, sits the framework for the delivery of superior value. Superior value, quite simply, is what people buy. Oviedo helps you to manage this strategic edge.

Oviedo is a methodology, developed in-house, that can be deployed across the web as a user based application, providing a set of dashboards for the management team that clearly illustrate where and how you are achieving superior value, or, of more concern, where you are not.

It gives you, the business owner, a set of charts that describe exactly how your customers feel after every interaction and transaction. It’s a new way of strengthening the trading, commercial and personal relationships between a business and its customers. It can also be deployed up and down your value stream giving you priceless intelligence from channel partners, suppliers and stakeholders.

Key Advantages of Oviedo©

  • immerses your business into the hearts and minds of your customers
  • aligns your business more accurately to those customers
  • aligns your people with those customers
  • tests your marketing effectiveness
  • develops intimate relationships with markets
  • lets you understand your own and the value chains of all your trading relationships
  • drives up revenue significantly
  • relative positioning against competitors (where such information is obtainable)
  • generates greater value over time – has a learning process within it
  • can be deployed anytime – results can be almost instant
  • no technology as such – licenses, hardware or software – we can do it all for you
  • will unite your customers, prospects and your people as never before
  • Very competitively priced – genuine value for money

These charts are all available as standard provided the information is available. We have a full range of business tools and a suite of planning guides that make sense of all the information coming in. This is the ultimate marketing environment.

Oviedo summarizer provides high level summary data measuring how well your overall proposition and everything related to it, is doing in the marketplace.

Drill down is possible to allow you to examine every relationship that exists between your business and your customers and where the issues may lie. It will tell you who in your customer base rates you and why as well as indicating where the pressure points are and what factors constrain your ability to generate superior value.